*Where MY Wild Things Are

mischievious max

mischievious max (Photo credit: massdistraction)

Just call me Max, because tonight I live in my own storybook. I’m in a cranky, bad mood and while no one sent me to my room, I almost wished they had. It started off with not knowing where my husband was, he was missing. He didn’t leave a note but he could have left one word on a napkin and that would have been fine. He also left our whining dog, prowling around the house while I was trying to rest and get a little sleep because I felt extra crummy. It wasn’t fair.

It was a bad day for Fibromyalgia and chronic pain, my jaw hurt so much, I had ear pain and TMJ and a headache and no one cared. I wasn’t able to sleep because my dog was annoying me. She wouldn’t even settle down on the bed, up and down, up and down she jumped and I was too tired and achy to get out of bed to put her in the crate. Friends tell me I’m in a Fibro Flare but all I know is that I feel worse, much worse. The weather gets damp and now it’s pouring buckets like my expectations and mood, dumping down on the roof, bypassing the dirty, leaf-filled gutters and ending up in big, thick, muddy puddles. I don’t have rain boots and I can’t play anyway anymore.

I ended up eating a tuna sandwich standing up, alone, in the kitchen, with one foot crossed over the other and I ate it so fast that I didn’t enjoy it one bit. I even gave the dog, “the whining one” some of it. Just as I am shoveling down the sandwich, Mr. Last Minute Ambulance Aider comes strolling in with his fake, perky voice and I feel even angrier. I march up the stairs with the rest of my crappy dinner and the dog follows me for food, not for compassion. My only hope at feeling better is getting to eat the two last bites of the brownies that we saved and I am NOT going to share.

The last two weeks haven’t been good at all, okay, they sucked.  I had the hospital procedure and the horrific mammogram both done this week and I know it’s over but maybe not over one hundred percent because now I’m fuming inside like a chimney with an angry orange fire.  A new friend that I met over the summer,” sisters in spirit,” never sent me a birthday card when I thought for sure she would and I miss not having a dad. I believe in the good in people and then they disappoint me. At the same time a new friend thinks I should self-publish my blogs into a book with photographs. What? It came out of left field for me too. I guess we need to learn about balance sometimes.

My daughter is away at college and is sick again and I hate that. I offer to come up there or asks if she wants to come home but she says “No” and I worry, no matter how old they are and then I say out loud ” I wish you weren’t in college so far away.” I probably should have kept my mouth shut too but I couldn’t.

I am going to sneak down to the kitchen and at the end, I do announce taking the two brownie bites because after all, my husband wasn’t exactly doing a bad thing. They didn’t even taste good. I know that this stupid, horrible, unjust day will look much brighter in the morning when the sun shines, when my jaw stops hurting, after a good night’s sleep. All I’ve been doing is whining, I guess my dog and I have a lot in common.

*Based on the enchanting book:Where The Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak

6 thoughts on “*Where MY Wild Things Are

  1. Oh, sweetie, I’m sorry you’ve had such a rough week and such an awful day. We’ve had some rough times here, too, and the weather changes aren’t helping with my pain, either – everything hurts more. I was worried the general anesthesia would set off the TMJ pain, and so sorry it did.

    I hope:
    …that the TMJ pain settles down soon
    …that your beautiful daughter gets to feeling better immediately (if not sooner)
    …that Lexi stops whining (she may have been restless because she knew you were in pain, but she didn’t know what to do to help you)
    …and that the hubby brings home a pint of Ben’n’Jerry’s (Cherry Garcia, maybe?) since every good husband should know that I woman who’s been subjected to so much in a week absolutely NEEDS to be handed a pint of her very favorite Ben’n’Jerry’s and a spoon!

    Wishing you a good night’s sleep, and a better day tomorrow!
    Much Love…


  2. I once had all the Where-the-Wild-Things-Are dolls in my office. I gave them to a little girl with the book. The one with the red hair was named for the former Surgeon General – Dr C. Everett Koop. They look like twins. (No moustache, just a beard)
    Hope you are feeling better really soon. When brownie bites aren’t tasty that’s a baaaaaaaaaad sign.


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