A Bright Star In The Dark Night

Dark Moon Tree on Night Sky / Magic Fantasy Space

Dark Moon Tree on Night Sky / Magic Fantasy Space (Photo credit: epSos.de)

After hearing ‘Good Morning America’s’ Robin Roberts’ story about breast cancer and subsequently MDS and after reading the amazingly talented Suleika Jahoud’s journey as a young adult with cancer (“Acute Myeloid Leukemia) (I am in awe of this incredibly beautiful and amazingly talented young woman) in the Science Times (Tuesdays of The New York Times) I wanted to do more than write a check for cancer research. I wanted to give something of myself; I ordered the free bone marrow kit and received the four swabs that came in the mail. I thought I would get the swabs and swab my cheeks that night but I found myself not doing that. Was I procrastinating or just thinking? Actually, I was just taking it all in. I did the swabs last night, with my husband overseeing it, and the envelope now sits in our bright red mailbox, flag raised, waiting to be picked up.

I’ve always wanted to do this and for years thought it was expensive, painful and really didn’t know how to go about getting the information for the bone marrow donation kit. Because of the Robin Roberts’ story, it was advertised and thus readily available. Sure, I give money, when I can, to cancer research, but this was personal. If I could help someone live, my G-d, I would do it. Imagine the feeling of giving someone the opportunity to live out their life, so they can marry or live to see their children grow up or have a new life because you are helping them. I can’t imagine NOT doing it, can you?

I’ve always been an organ donor, especially since my father-in-law had a liver transplant before I even dated my husband. If it wasn’t for his liver transplant he would never have seen us date and get married, meet his grandchildren and watch them graduate from high school and go off to college. This November we will all be here together celebrating Thanksgiving; how could I not be an organ donor?

My goal in life was to be a good mother and I think I achieved that. My two children are grown now, at 18 and almost 20. I am so proud of them, of the people they have become. But, this is one more chance to help a person in the world. If we are a match, dear stranger, I will step up and do you proud. I will put aside all my fear of pain and discomfort and I will try to make your dreams come true. I will donate my bone marrow. If it doesn’t work, yes, I will be sad, but at least I will know that I tried to help.

I watched the shiny red mailbox on and off all day and only when the flag of the mailbox was lowered, when the mail had been picked-up, did I sigh with relief and smile, knowing, at least, I had followed through and given someone, somewhere, like a bright star in a dark night, a tiny speck of hope.


I Miss You, Ann Curry (Pop Cop)

Cropped photo of Ann Curry

Ann, Ann, Ann. I miss you on the news and I think you got screwed, pardon the language. You were, to me, the only reason to watch the show (I admit to being a big fan of the WABC, Good Morning America). I won’t ever watch Matt Lauer and the gang again. Ann, I am on your side. Look how nice WABC is to their hosts/correspondents?!)  They feel like a solid family and not some feuding teenagers in your angry-sabotage-siblings show. Between us gals, who is  the new “host?” Where did she come from? Why?

Does no one believe in loyalty anymore? I don’t think this would have happened many years ago and I don’t like it. It certainly would not have happened on my favorite channel WABC-TV. You worked so hard and you were able to show your love and concern for people and their stories without being melodramatic. You were the perfect combination of sophistication and heart. What is it these days with people replacing others on a whim? They should have least polled their (now dwindling) viewing audience before letting you go because I know you would have gotten the popular vote.

The new woman, (what’s her name?) I think it’s something like Samantha Sunshine but I really don’t care enough to research it. I don’t LIKE her, I feel like she is the evil step- sister and you are Cinderella. Does WNBC know that people love a Cinderella ending? Who would watch movies if the evil step-sister ended up with the prince? It is simply wrong, all wrong.

Matt Lauer, what the hell is up with you? You have become arrogant, incredibly arrogant and it shows. Do you wield that much power?  You should have stood up for Ann Curry with a gallant “if she goes I go” but somehow I don’t think that is your style, actually I would bet money on it. You really wanted Ann out didn’t you? Just admit it. What did you have against Ann? Dude, you have issues, major issues.

I’m sticking with loyalty. Bigwigs at WNBC NY, you messed up. Badly. Letting Ann Curry go for seemingly no reason at all (did I hear you didn’t like her clothing?!!) was wrong. Why don’t you do something and try to reinvent yourself based on good morals and good people. I hope your ratings go down (oh wait, they have) maybe then you will appreciate Ann Curry and her work. Fans like loyalty. You blew it. Big time. Want to watch a quality show? Turn the channel to the WABC, Good Morning America FAMILY. Learn from them.

P.S  Al Roker….you stare scared me today but at least you are giving Matt Lauer attitude. You rock, stick up for Ann, someone should….

Dear Robin Roberts

English: Robin Roberts in J. Crew Collection a...

English: Robin Roberts in J. Crew Collection at The Heart Truth’s Red Dress Collection 2010 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I have been thinking about you and your struggle with cancer and even though you will never read this, I need to say it: I’m so sorry that you are going through such a horrible time right now. Knowing your personality, it must have been pretty bad if you decided to leave the show early. I know I don’t know you personally but I feel for you, I really do.  You don’t have to be my best friend for me to feel compassion and pain. I feel bad for ALL people going through any terrible illness, life is not fair.

I’m sure I’m one of thousands and thousands of people who watch you on television and are pulling for you. I wish I could do something but all I can do is keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I hope that everything will get easier. I know you are courageous but it is okay to let yourself be weak. Surround yourself with the people and things that you love, your favorite flower, or special mug filled with jasmine tea, or an old stuffed animal for you to hug when the pain is bad.

My thoughts are with you. Knowing how much people admire and like you hopefully will bring you a little joy. If there was anything I could do to help, I would do it in a second.

Love and Faith !
