Grumpy, Sleepy, Droopy, Cranky? Yes, That’s Me

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Image by Jenn and Tony Bot via Flickr

I haven’t had a good night’s sleep for a long time and I want sleep NOW! I need a good night’s sleep because I have Fibromyalgia and an auto-immune disease, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis and a tendency towards anxiety when sleep deprived. Lately I feel I have jet lag every day even though I haven’t gone on an airplane or visited fascinating foreign cities. I feel bad: achy limbs, stiff muscles and joints that roar with pain. My eyeballs ache, the soles of my feet throb, even my finger nails, unpolished and raw, hurt.

We have been living in one hotel room, my husband, my daughter our dog and I for the past six weeks. We’re doing the best we can since our house has been destroyed by rotted wood, termites and carpenter ants. It’s a horrible situation not to mention the emotional and financial stress. We have stress layered on stress.

We get along fine and try to respect each other except for one annoying factor: cell phones. I don’t understand this generation of teenagers that get text messages all hours of the day and night. My daughter’s alarm, also from her phone, shrieks loudly, picture loud buzzing bees meeting chain saws every ten minutes. It’s hard to go back to sleep after that, my husband and I are old now. We can’t just fall back asleep like our children can.

We drink free coffee from the hotel stand in the morning and snack on food we have in the room and then we have one meal, dinner, out. We can’t afford to eat three meals out a day nor do we want to. I dream about being back in our old kitchen planning a simple meal. When you have to eat out all the time, it’s not that much fun.

We have a favorite diner and it has a dozen pages of every single meal you could want and we still go from page to page not wanting a darn thing. We eat out of boredom, planning where we want to go to dinner can take hours. It’s alright, we have nothing else to do. My husband is still on crutches so during the day I drive him places he needs to go. His ruptured Achilles tendon is healing but very slowly. It’s been five weeks for that too. Why do bad things happen around the same time? Or is it just us?

I cannot see my computer keyboard, my eyes are closing, eyelids thick, thoughts are mixed up and frazzled. Our dog who now rests on the bed is snoring softly; even she knows that 5am is way too early to get up and that we still should be sleeping. I try to nap later on, sometimes I dream that we are back in our home but when I wake up I am sad and upset. I have to remind myself, we’re nowhere close. My dog lies next to me, licking my elbow, laying her head on my hand.  Last night she started nibbling on my toes, tickling me enough to get me to laugh. Sometimes, you have to just be grateful for those special moments.

Things I'm Thankful For

Harvest Moon

Image by k4dordy via Flickr

In no particular order:

1) Confectioner’s sugar

2) A new book

3) Toasted Coconut Marshmallows

4) The smell of burning wood in a fireplace

5) The sight (and song) of a “Harvest Moon

and of course, family, friends, my dog, sunshine, the first crocus, milk chocolate, my own banana bread, deviled eggs and laughter.

The Funniest TV Show

Opening screen

Image via Wikipedia

Modern Family

There are a lot of funny shows but Modern Family is my favorite. The actors are all wonderful, and it gives a real view of today’s world. I love it. Special shout out to the kid who plays Manny and to the actor that plays Cam. KUDOS!!!

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International Travel versus Space Travel


Country To Country

I’d start my trip in Norway, then go to Greece and definitely spend a long time in Africa for a safari. I want to see and photograph animals up close and I would have a good camera instead of my old, rusty, point and shoot. In my dreams I would travel at least half of the year internationally and within the States for free.

I want my feet on the ground and my head in the clouds with happiness, money and freedom. I want to see the whole world but not leave Earth and go to outer space. Nothing about that appeals to me, I find it a terrifying idea and I have no interest. But, free international trips for life? I’m in.

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If I Could Only Wear One Color for the Next Month

Lemon Life

Image by elkit via Flickr

Lemon Drops……

Daffodils, the strong sting from the sun, lemons, lemon pound cake with sugar icing…..the color I enthusiastically choose is YELLOW. I love the color yellow and my dream once was to own a bright yellow (not the brand new ones that have just been released) Volkswagen Beetle but as we know, wishes don’t always come true. I do own a bright yellow pocketbook for those long winter days when we are surrounded in total darkness in the late afternoon. When the gray, dirty snow is right outside my doorstep you will find lemons and perky clementines in a clear blue bowl on my kitchen or living room table.

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How I'd Spend a 28-Hour Day

A Sleeping moon in a cap.

Image via Wikipedia

Is There Any Other Answer?

First, I would make my fantasy bedroom really, really dark. Then, after having a leisurely breakfast, doing some errands and having lunch….I would NAP. That long three to four-hour nap that makes you feel so refreshed it’s as if you have been on vacation for two weeks in Europe minus the traveling headaches. I would plump my cool pillow into the exact right place, move my feet in their rhythmic beat to get into my perfect sleeping position. I would start on my back, think about my day, then slowly, slide to my stomach, one arm around the pillow, legs straight, blankets never tucked IN to the bed and sigh happily. You know the news organization that says something like “give us ten minutes and we’ll give you the world?” Mine would be simpler, give me four hours so I can take a really nice, well-deserved nap.

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Finish that Last To-Do Item!


Image by dansays via Flickr

Be Serious.

What’s one thing I can’t seem to scratch off my to-do list? I want to be Monica from “Friends” insanely organized, neat and absurdly clean. I want to say I can do all these things but I just can’t. I do very thorough yet occasional cleaning sprees but I am NOT organized. My dream is for a company like California Closets to sweep (literally and figuratively in and organize my entire life. I want everything divided neatly and color coordinated. I want the drawers and the closet marked with easy to read signs. I want sweaters divided (one thick, one thin) into sweater drawers. I want all my papers and photographs to be organized by date and year and put in big black and white journals. I want shoes that I haven’t worn in ten years to be thrown out instead of stashed in the back of my closet. I want to have a set dusting date twice a week and stick to it and really get right down with Pledge and have the living room smell like fake lemons. You get the picture. What I want and need is Nate Berkus to come to our cozy little home with the Extreme Home Makeover team at the same time. That’s the only way it will ever be done. Perhaps Martha Stewart could stop by and leave some blueberry muffins too, yeah right. In my dreams.

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Art I Appreciate

Water Lilies, Claude Monet

Image by Glenn Thomas Franco Simmons via Flickr

Dot By Dot

Art to me, are paintings. That’s what I first thought of after reading your prompt. Impressionist paintings are my favorite, the teeny tiny dots of color up close, the broad view, as you stand back and gape in awe. The way colors play upon each other, melting strands of different colors together for the eye and the heart to enjoy.

P.S. I am still mad at the Museum of Modern Art for raising their prices to $25.00 for an entrance fee (see blog post on that.) There are many outstanding pieces of both Modern Art and Impressionist Art there…..if you can afford to go!

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