I’m Sorry, Did I Misunderstand Mr. Cosby?


Mr. Cosby,
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Did I hear correctly that you would only be granting interviews to black publications? Or that only black publications would be FAIR to you. Why? Doesn’t that sound a little racist? Why only black magazines since you always spouted equality for all. I’m sure all fine journalists have the same standards, excellent standards, impeccable standards, why would you need to call them out?

You used to advise and criticize boys whose pants were hanging down below their belts, you were quite vocal about that too. And, I don’t BELIEVE you are anyone to now criticize pants hanging below the belt, right?  It would be humorous if it wasn’t so miserably sad and sick. I bet the boys who just wanted to just go along with fashion have much better characters than you do. Boys? What do you have to say? You were judged by Mr. Cosby how do you feel now? Judged by someone who did horrible things (allegedly.)


Now, in the wake of your current “allegations” you break your muddied silence to say that when you speak (if you speak) your voice can only be heard in the black community? Is there a breakdown of how many women you “allegedly” date raped by race? Religion? Brown skin, White skin, Tan skin, Asian skin? Because I would like to know the alleged break down report on that information not that it matters to me one bit. You allegedly hurt women, allegedly many women, that’s what matters.

We are just interested in how long this is going to take before you sing like an injured, broken raven? It seems hard to believe that people will forget THIS. Even if Whoopi Goldberg, a

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woman I used to admire greatly, gave you the thumbs up, that does not in the LEAST BIT sway me. I am with Rosie O’Donnell all the way. She admittedly gets a little childish (Donald Trump comb over)  but she’s really a big kid that has been hurt badly. I think her heart is truly golden. I would bet my life on that.

She is flawed like everyone else, but perhaps more damaged goods than we know. If there is one thing I know for sure, Rosie O’Donell’s heart is golden. I have always stuck by her and always will. She has a huge heart, maybe some people don’t understand her. I do.

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Cosby, Come on. I don’t have a reliable source but I heard (allegedly) someone has proof or photographs What are you going to do when those surface? By the way, I watched Whoopi Goldberg’s face when Beverly Johnson was on the show, Whoopi didn’t say too much in your defense. Is she still your cheerleader?


I hope not.

I give thanks, great thanks to Beverly Johnson for going on the show and sharing her experience. I know that’s not easy to do. Thank you, Beverly. Also, did Kathy Lee say that Bill Cosby tried to kiss her? Sorry if I am confusing celebrities.

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I was going to say “I don’t know how you can sleep at night” But silly me, I forgot you have an easy concoction already made, have a cappuccino or two, I hear they are incredibly fresh.

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Why Can’t We Just Say “Life Sucks?”

When someone asks me how I am doing I usually say” okay.” ” Good” works too in a pinch, “doing well is always a favorite”; a real crowd pleaser. I ‘ve tried the honest, or blank, neutral face and the politely depressed pout too but that just turned people away. Some people just don’t REALLY want to know how you are simply because they don’t care or they have their own stuff to deal with. I  don’t want to confront or ambush innocent people nor do I want pity (ok, I admit sometimes I would like a little pity).

When someone asks me how I really am I refrain from saying  “life sucks,” even though at the moment (or for the last two years) it has. Why?  Is it just not polite enough? Is there some filter we need to uphold appearances even when life is giving us a beating? Do people not want to hear the truth? If someone told me that their life sucked I would be more than willing to listen, to advise, if appropriate, to help them feel better.

There’s: Unemployment. Health and Safety problems. The Economy. The BP Oil Spill. Cancer. AIDS. All illnesses. Death, Dying and Despair. The Environment, the World at large, Fighting, and Abuse. There’s also Terrorism, Uncertainty, Crime, and Fear. In addition there are the “ism’s” : Racism, Sexism, “Religiousism” and” Ageism”. I know we can’t dwell on these things because we would never again want to leave the “relative” safety of our homes but once in a while why can’t we acknowledge that we’ve gotten a raw deal, the short end of the stick, even the much wanted last piece of milk chocolate that someone just popped into their mouths with a  greedy, toothy, lopsided grin.

I know it’s not polite to use the “S— word but it feels so appropriate. Life stinks doesn’t pack a punch. “Life is life” sounds too esoteric. “Life is” sounds like a Philosophy 101 class. Maybe that’s why I have this blog to vent because it isn’t appropriate to tell the truth, or to tell the truth the way I want to. Life can be difficult at times. Let’s leave it at that.