Steve Jobs, I Feel Like I Knew You

Image representing Steve Jobs as depicted in C...

Image via CrunchBaseFor the first time I bought an iPhone 4 and I was feeling connected to you. To your genius, creativity, incredible ability and generosity. I don't want you to be dead; could it be another rumor? Somehow I don't think so.

I don’t know why I gasped out loud and felt upset when I saw the news flashing on the internet: “Steve Jobs Has Died” but I did. I knew he was very sick but I and so many others were rooting for him. Even though we didn’t actually know him it felt like we did.

I know it didn’t look great when he stepped down from Apple but I was hoping he could spend some iQuality time with his iFamily. I think our generation and our children’s generation were both connected to him.  Is it because he single-handedly taught us how to connect with others in the world, changed our views on life, phones, people, music and products? It’s like losing a favorite cousin, you know the one, smart, charming, successful; the one who made us all proud and yet kept to himself. He was a very private man.

Doesn’t this go to show us that money really means nothing in this world without health? I’m sure Steve Jobs and his family could afford the best doctors in the world but they couldn’t keep him alive longer than his frail body would let him. This is a great loss to his family, to his family at Apple and to those of us who  were fans of his sheer genius.

I don’t know why I feel a personal loss, it has nothing to do with computers or iPhones or iPads I assure you. I guess it is because Steve Jobs was the wunderkind of our generation and we looked at him with awe and respect. Steve Jobs’ face is as recognizable as the Apple symbol itself.

We live in a painful world, it seems to get harder every day. To his family: I am so sorry for your loss and to our generation: I am so sorry, we lost an icon; an incredibly smart, forthright thinker; a person ahead of our time.  A genius who died long before he should have. Steve Jobs, a superstar, our very own hero in the technological communications world and one who connected us all together.

Rest In Peace, better yet Rest In iPeace.